i-Utility – Direct access to your utilities
With i-Utility the link between you and your supplier is easier and faster than a phone call.
Receive news about your account, check invoices, submit meter readings, call the helpdesk or the emergency numbers and a lot more. With just a couple of “taps” you can do all your utility errands without ever being placed on “hold”.
Features in version 1.0:
Two languages: English and Italian;
News and push notification on the home screen;
Old news archived as recordkeeping. News can also contain attachments;
View invoice list even when you are not connected to a network;
Check meter reading list with or without network connection;
Contract details available also when you are not connected to a network, you may need this data for giving details to the helpdesk, or for emergency calls;
Push notifications for meter reading and/or expiring invoices;
Automatic new invoices download (requires network connection);
Submission of new meter reading (requires network connection);
Pay Invoices (requires network connection);
Advanced settings for easier navigation.
If you are a retail customer and your utility company hasn’t given to you i-Utility, try it for free and tell us how your experience is… we’ll contact your supplier immediately.
If you are a utility provider and you are interested in providing mobile solutions to your customers, contact us and we’ll give you all the details required to customize and distribute YOUR VERSION of this product.
Try the version for free:
account: arkit
password: arkit